A simple test to see if a change is needed

inneres rot

If something is keeping you from enjoying things you usually enjoy or doing things you want to or usually do, then it is time for a change.

Perhaps it’s a medical issue: allergies that keep you from hiking outdoors, panic attacks that keep you from driving, or migraine headaches that cause you to cancel your plans. It’s time to see the doctor.

Perhaps it’s a bad habit: you aren’t fit enough to play with your kids, aren’t getting enough sleep so you’re too tired to go out with your friends, or are over-indulging in something that is affecting your ability to work or go to school.  It’s time to create some new, healthier habits.

Perhaps you’re unhappy: a job that makes you sick to your stomach every morning, a relationship that makes you feel unappreciated and taken for granted, or a living situation that frequently irritates you.  It’s time to do something that makes things better (such as talk to those involved, or a therapist). It might even be time to move on.

Change is hard, but life is short.  Don’t let your fear of change hold you back from enjoying your life.

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